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Trance Communication Workshop


This intensive workshop for experienced trance students focuses on trance communication mediumship and building confidence in communicating and connecting with your spirit team in the spirit world in order to bring forth the spirit of loved ones and giving them your voice to let them communicate through you.

what is trance communication, learn with rickie

What is Trance Communication?

Trance communication is unique and special, spirit communication allows loved ones to be in one-ness with the sitter: You! As the trance medium providing them with the opportunity to be in complete communion with the sitter and their loved ones.

Allowing loved one to merge through altered states of trance with the trance medium bringing forth wonderful evidence of survival.

This type of trance mediumship allows for merging of loved ones from the world unseen with the medium through trance Not through mental mediumship.

Trance communication is not mental mediumship. Trance communication is the spirit blends with the trance medium to speak directly through to their loved ones.

What You’ll Get From This Class

take your trance communication to the next level with rickie

Those already with an established foundation in trance and already working publicly or privately will benefit most from this workshop as we focus on strengthening trance communication with loved ones for proof of survival, private sittings, and platform demonstration work.

  • Trance abilities and trust with trance communication
  • Trance communication, allowing the merge of the spirit communicator, loved ones to speak through you to their loved ones
  • Differentiate between mental mediumship and trance communication bringing loved ones through trance
  • Private sittings and trance communication
  • Platform demonstrations and trance communication
  • How to handle the recipient responses both in private and platform
  • Ample practice to support your development of confidence in working with loved ones from the world unseen

Join Us On Zoom

Join us, our class with limited seats and intended for those with a foundation in trance as we all work to improve upon trance communication with the guidance of Rickie, an experienced tutor. 

Trance is a very refined aspect of mediumship. It enhances all aspects of mediumship, our spirituality, and so many aspects of our lives as we open our minds to the channel within. Trance communication is one of the most powerful aspects of trance mediumship because your best communication comes only when  you let go of fears and allow for trust and cooperation with your spirit team.


Rickie’s Class

In this workshop, we will further refine your trance abilities through different aspects of trance communication.  We will work on your ability to trust your spirit team and yourself as well as further refine your ability to achieve an altered state of consciousness for more impactful trance communication. Specifically, we explore how to better communicate when connecting to loved ones through trance. You will learn how to allow for the blending of a loved one’s spirit with your own and without reservation to allow true proof of survival, hope and love to your clients because of this deeper connection with spirit.  Furthermore,  we explore how to conduct private sittings as well as platform work and how we can strengthen these services by bettering our trance communication skills.


Enjoy deep conversation and focused practice with the power of trance and the guidance of Rickie, an experienced tutor. Learn how to deepen your connection with the spirit world, your clients, and yourself as your trance communication skills develop to a higher level of clarity in this one-day intensive workshop. 

Book Your Class With Rickie Avitan

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