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Trance Development Circle Advanced

Join rickie's expert trance development circle class

Heighten your trance
mediumship with Rickie’s guidance

This trance circle will provide you with weekly practice strengthening your relationship with your spirit team. Providing you with the opportunity to practice what you have already learned in the trance courses with Rickie or other trance teachers.

What You’ll Get From This Class

Each week to strengthen, refine, and progress your trance abilities, we will practice:

  • Sitting in the power achieving attunement
  • Achieving various level of altered states of consciousness
  • Trance speaking (philosophy), Healing, Communication and other
  • Strengthening, refining, progressing your trance abilities
  • Develop the ability to maintain a longer merging of minds within the states of trance
  • Develop the ability to maintain communion of minds within normal states of awareness

Come with an open mind and a love for all beings, and the rest will unfold naturally.

Trance Circle Intention

In the circle you will be able to deepen your relationship with your spirit control with direction and intention. Develop your own natural way of working with your spirit team and your spirt control.

Establish your own unique individual skills and abilities that your spirit team can utilize to help humanity.

Rickie will be leading and guiding the advanced trance circle. This is time you will practice what you already learned in the trance workshop with Rickie and or other trance tutors. 

The advanced trance development circle will include various exercises in large and small groups this will support you in further refining and gaining the confidence you need to work within your developed trance mediumship. Rickie will be supporting you to move beyond the limitations of your own mind.

Find out about Rickie's expert trance development circle class

*Please note that the trance development circle is not a teaching setting, meaning Rickie will provide guidance throughout the session but will not be instructing. Please come with a working knowledge and practiced hand of trance mediumship.

Qualify for this special expert level trance development circle

Who is this for?

Trance Development Circle advanced is designed for those who have fully completed all of Rickie’s trance mediumship workshops at least once. As well as for those who already have established a strong foundation, knowledge, development and understanding of trance mediumship.

This class is for individuals who can maintain the state of trance and merging of minds for at least 15min. It is for those who are interested in incorporating trance mediumship aspects and phenomena into their own practice. This trance development advanced circle is filled with ample opportunities for you to express the power of trance with the guidance of an experienced tutor.

This trance development circle class is a series of Rickie’s trance mediumship circle program.

Trance Development Circle

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