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Recent & Upcoming Events

Demonstration of Mediumship

Demonstration of Mediumship

IN PERSON, Demonstration of Mediumship with  Psychic Medium Lisa Julien and Psychic, Tance Medium, Spiritual Healer, Rickie Avitan Event Details:...

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A Special Message Night

A Special Message Night

In Person, A special Message Night with a combination of Psychic Mediums and a Touch of Magick.Join us for an unforgettable demonstration of...

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Pray Heal & Be

Pray Heal & Be

Join us for a Nurturing and Healing Retreat on May 21st from 10am to 2:30pm!
All are welcome. We will gather together and invoke the spirit of God, laying the foundation to enhance the instrumentality of each student through the art of soulful prayer.

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What Our Customers Say

Shawna Parry

Rickie is a phenomenal instructor. She leads with her soul, which is one filled with goodness and love. She is a role model for us all. While that lays the foundation for an inviting and safe environment in class what makes her exceptional is her well-versed knowledge on the topic, her passion, drive, and ability to deliver this knowledge to the students, and the demonstration of her obvious calling to help others. This allows the over-active minds to be satisfied and the skeptics to relax. I quickly discovered that Rickie has a knack for connecting to each student where they are on their journey, for I was able to begin studying in a second-level class without prior experience. I’ve also seen her do this with others in subsequent courses and am impressed at how quickly we all advance. She shares her knowledge and experience with meditation, mediumship, trance, healing, and the foundations of all of this – your soul development and relationship with God – through her expert mind, beautiful soul, and open heart. All get to experience the blessings of her gifts throughout the courses.


You are truly amazing! I can’t thank you enough for sharing your gift, you are truly a very wonderful and gifted lady with a gifted soul. Thank you for everything!

Luis Grisales

What a lovely experience. Thank you Rickie for putting us close to our loved ones. It is good to know that our family members and friends are not dead, that they are still living. God bless you.


This was my first experience and you have completely ‘wowed’ me! Thank you so much, Rickie. You have an incredible heart and I appreciate you sharing your gift with us.
Get in touch with Rickie

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