Please read and agree to the following terms and conditions prior to booking a session with Rickie. You must agree and sign the Terms and Conditions before you can book Rickie's services.
Mediumship in all its forms is a delicate, loving, and healing process. It is extremely important for individuals to not only thoroughly understand real mediumship but also understand the true ethics of a medium and the working with the spirit world.
When working with Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium you agree to waive all liabilities; Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium is not liable nor responsible for any circumstances that may arise from any of the psychic, mediumship and trance services sessions she provides you with. This includes personal injury, loss of income, professional or personal decisions made, and stress, emotional or otherwise on the client, the client’s family, or other family members.
- At times, your loved ones and your spirit team will deliver information about your health. It is your responsibility to seek professional medical advice. Rickie Avitan does not diagnose conditions, perform any medical or psychological treatment, assessments, nor prescribe any medications. Rickie Avitan is not a licensed counsellor nor licensed to provide legal guidance or advice.
- Rickie Avitan will be honest and respectful during a reading at all times.
- Rickie Avitan treats all persons equally without prejudice or discrimination from sex, race, ethnic background, color, religious affiliation, or sexual preference.
- All readings are confidential and discreet for all provided services.
- Rickie Avitan does not claim 100% accuracy, because no one has or is meant to have all the answers all the time. Spirit, God, and/or the Universe has a plan that is not always revealed to us.
- Rickie Avitan is Medium, not a fortune-teller, does not do Tarot cards, does not read from pictures, palms, faces, tealeaves or objects from the deceased.
- Rickie Avitan will not provide a reading for someone who has not requested one as this is a violation of his or her privacy and is unethical.
- Sometimes, your loved ones will provide information for other family members. This will be delivered to you during the reading as it is delivered under the direction of God.
- You are over the age of 18 years old.
- NOTE: Private readings are available for individuals 18 years or older. If someone is under 18 years, an adult must accompany him or her. Please note at the time of booking if there will be a minor present.
- You agree not to reproduce, sell, copy, duplicate or exploit any portion of the services provided without written consent from Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium
- Rickie Avitan does not guarantee that you will receive information or evidence that YOU want to hear. The spirit world (your loved ones) control the information that they share.
- There is no guarantee that a particular loved one will come through or the validity of the information provided.
- Due to Rickie Avitan’s strong spiritual sensitivity, support people are not allowed to attend any of the services/sessions unless a booking has been made for a family, group, or custom reading
- There will be zero tolerance for individuals who try to test Rickie's abilities, individuals misrepresenting themselves during any of the services, disrespectful interactions (being rude, difficult, abrasive, confrontational, demanding, or argumentative), and specific requests that should not be asked during the readings. If this occurs, the session will be terminated and you will be asked to leave. A terminated session will result without any refunds when a violation has occurred.
- Rickie Avitan reserves the right to refuse services to anyone, for any reason, at any time.
- Due to illness or family emergencies, Rickie Avitan reserves the right to reschedule your appointment. If this happens, you will receive an email or a phone call to reschedule your appointment.
- Rickie Avitan will not counsel someone who is about to die or has a terminal disease even if I feel serious illness may be present.
- Rickie Avitan will never try to force clients to accept what I am providing them with.
- The clients’ welfare will always be in mind first. In cases where Rickie Avitan cannot psychically serve the client, Rickie Avitan will advise them honestly and either refund their money or refer them to another psychic counsellor.
Rickie Avitan promises to work conscientiously for the highest and best good of my clients.
Your Responsibility and Expectations Before and During the Reading
- Please come to your reading with an open mind and heart.
- Refrain from having expectations for the outcome of the reading.
- Please allow me to approach the reading/session in my way, not in the way of other mediums or psychics.
- Understand that spirit communication is very different from speaking with the living; Rickie Avitan delivers messages from the unseen world to the living.
- Do not provide me with any information about the deceased until we finish the reading.
- Please refrain from consuming alcohol or drugs prior to and during your reading.
- Do not demand specific information to come through from the spirit.
- Allow and enjoy the process of the form of mediumship you booked your session for, intuitive reading, mediumship, trance mediumship.
Psychic, mediumship and trance are not magic, therefore your cooperation is paramount to the success of the reading. If you will not be open but rather hiding information in order to test Rickie’s ability; then you will be not able to truly enjoy the session. It is like you have a visitor and you choose to keep the door close so the link will be obstructed and not have a natural flow.
Booking Group Psychic, Mediumship, Trance sessions
- Group reading can be provided online or in person.
- Host will need to contact Rickie Avitan directly via the contact email (within the website)to schedule a group reading.
- All in person booking will be within the lower mainland (traveling expenses may be discussed with the host)
- Fee $35 per Person.
- The group host is responsible for collecting and providing payment to Rickie Avitan at start of the session
- For online group reading, the host or the group reading organiser will provide the payment prior to the reading, arrangement will be made with Rickie Avitan.
- Group booking will have a minimum of six people and a maximum ten people.
- Rickie Avitan will attempt to provide reading to each person attending the session.
- The gathering will take place in the host’s home.
A Few Things to Know When Hosting a Group Reading
- Rickie will arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the reading and set up the space. Please arrange for a quiet place where she can sit and meditate for 25 minutes prior to the start time.
- The host is responsible for inviting the guests and ensuring they are on time. Late comers can be disruptive.
- Please have all fees collected and ready for Rickie at the end of the event. Remember the cost is per person.
- Food and drinks make for a pleasant atmosphere; alcohol however is discouraged during the reading.
- Please ask your guests to sit quietly during readings and to stay in the room. Cell phones are to be muted.
- Your guests should know that receiving a message cannot be guaranteed.
- Please notify me 72h in advance, if for some reason you need to cancel the booking.
- Please contact me if you have further questions.
Code of Ethics for all Aspects Trance Mediumship
Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium’s purpose is serving humanity for its greatest good, honouring all peoples and all paths as sacred. Rickie Avitan trance medium is committed to assisting her clients in reclaiming wholeness at any or all levels of their being, such as body, emotions, mind, relationships (with other people and the environment) and spirit. She renders service to humanity with full respect for the dignity, autonomy and sensitivity of fellow beings. She views all of existence as sacred and interconnected and provides services with reverence and respect for all. Healing relationships occur within all of existence and may include people, animals, plants and the environment, locally, globally, and cosmically.
Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium has established a wonderful trusting relationship with her spirit guides she calls friends. The spirit friends, also called spirit control, are the ones stepping forward while Rickie is in trance and they are conducting the session in whichever form the client has requested. Rickie will identify with you the needs for healing, guidance, communication and other. State of trance is an altered state of consciousness. There is science and reverence with it. Rickie shows utmost respect and reverence to her spirit friends and so she highly expects of you the same respect to her work with spirit.
Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium adopts and follows the following statements:
- Equality and Acceptance:
- She render care to beings regardless of race, sex, cultural, national or ethnic origins, or political persuasions.
- She believes that healers and clients are equal partners in the process of healing.
- Respect and Unconditional Regard:
- She, as a spiritual trance healer, respects the beliefs, values, customs, choices and coping mechanisms of the individual.
- As a trance spiritual healer she offers care from an infinite field of love and compassion.
- Qualifications as Trance, Spiritual Healer
- Initial Training: Rickie Avitan has taken trance mediumship training at the Arthur Findley College, she is in ongoing mentorship with known established trance mediums, Rickie is a tutor of trance mediumship, trance healing and has established an online teaching modules for practitioners who are seekers of trance knowledge and practice. Rickie's motto is one never arrives but continues to eternally progress. Ricke Avitan avails herself of opportunities for continuing professional education and training to maintain and enhance her competence.
- Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium provides services commensurate with her training and performs only those services for which she is qualified. She observes all laws and upholds the dignity and honor of their profession.
- Self-Care and Self-Healing:
- Rickie Avitan consciously cultivates awareness and understanding about the deeper meaning, purpose, inner strengths, and connections with self, others, nature, and God/Life Force/Absolute/Transcendent. Rickie Avitan recognizes that every person has healing capacities that can be enhanced and supported through self-care practices.
- Professional Behaviour:
- Guiding Principles:
- Rickie Avitan embraces the following principles in her professional behaviour: reverence, respect, trust, honesty, integrity, equality, competence, generosity, courage, humility, and confidentiality.
- Rickie Avitan maintains a compassionate regard for the client by demonstrating a way of being that is courteous, tactful, sensitive, accepting, empathetic and non-judgmental.
- Communication and Confidentiality:
- Rickie Avitan maintains clear and honest communication with her clients and keeps all information, whether medical or personal, strictly confidential. She will not reveal the confidences entrusted in the course of the professional relationship, or the peculiarities she may observe in the character of clients unless required to do so by law or to prevent harm to the client or other persons.
- Rickie Avitan cooperates with other healing professionals, including physicians, nurses, other complementary/ alternative therapists, psychologists, counselors, scientists, and religious personnel, and other professional caregivers in the exploration and provision of healing modalities. Rickie Avitan collaborates and works with others in their field and the healing professions in general to maintain and monitor high professional standards of care
- Availability and Accessibility:
- Rickie Avitan shall make known her availability and accessibility to clients in need of her professional services.
- Having undertaken care of the client, she may not neglect the client.
- Should Rickie Avitan become unavailable, she would make appropriate referrals to other therapists
- Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries and Parameters of Practice:
- Rickei Avitan maintains appropriate boundaries for self and client and does not enter into inappropriate relationships with clients or take physical, emotional, sexual, psychological or financial advantages.
- Rickie Avitan does not make medical diagnoses or prescribe medications. She does not recommend nutritional supplements without appropriate knowledge. During the trance session spirit healers may make suggestions. It is within your responsibility to comply or not.
- Relationships with Colleagues:
- Rickie Avitan will not cross professional competence.
- Rickie Avitan is aware and knows that a client's health and safety may depend on receiving appropriate services from members of other professional disciplines. She is responsible for maintaining knowledge of, and appropriately utilizing the expertise of such professionals on the patient’s behalf.
- Conduct in a Professional Session
- Creating a Healing Environment:
- Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium provides a safe, welcoming, supportive and comfortable environment that is conducive to healing. She maintains a clean practice environment and professional personal appearance. She displays certification, training and educational certificates and diplomas in public view.
- Disclosing Professional Information and Practices:
- Rickie Avitan will provide clients with information regarding her healing philosophy and modality or modalities and what to expect during a healing session. She informs the client of possible outcomes and side effects.
- Rickie Trance mediumship duration is an hour long. Punctuality, lateness, fee and cancellation as per mediumship terms and conditions.
- Recording, Securing and Releasing Records:
- Rickie Avitan does not record your session nor take notes as she is in an altered state of consciousness. The responsibility to take notes and record the session is with the client.
How to schedule a session
Most bookings can be made on the website directly and payment can be accepted securely and conveniently with your credit card. Certain bookings such as Group Readings require a pre-booking interview. For all other inquiries, please contact us directly and we would be happy to assist you.
Once you are ready to book, you can choose the date and time of your booking, and the type of session you would like to book. You will also have the choice to attend the session in person or via Zoom. All sessions can be done on zoom except for hypnotherapy and past life exploration. All bookings will require payment in advance.
If you are late for your session
We understand that sometimes life gets in the way, so we allow our customers up to 5 minutes of grace period from the scheduled start time of your appointment. We reserve the right to cancel the appointment after the grace period expires. Whatever time lapsed during the grace period is counted towards your overall allotted appointment time. If you are attending a Zoom session please join a few minutes prior to the start of your session to allow us ample time to check for audio and video quality. If you have an in-person session, please arrive five minutes prior to the start time.
If you missed your scheduled session
There are no refunds for missed sessions.
Cancelling your scheduled session
Cancellations are accepted up to 72 hours before the scheduled appointment. All cancellations within 72 hours of the scheduled appointment are at Rickie’s discretion. Fees paid for the session may or may not be refundable.
Protecting your privacy
This privacy policy sets out how Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium uses and protects any information that you provide when you use the website. Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium is committed to protecting your privacy and uses some of the most sophisticated security software commercially available. Any personal information you submit through the website is sent through a secure channel, using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) software with 256-bit encryption. Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.
Information collected
We may collect the following information:
- Name
- Contact information including email address
- Demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests
- Other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers
We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:
- If you have given Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium permission, Rickie may periodically send promotional emails about her teaching, events, demonstration, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided.
Electronic media malfunction or failure
Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium is not responsible for direct or consequential loss due to internet service failure or electronic media malfunction. No refunds are given when a technological malfunction or failure occurs on part of the client.
Where there are technological malfunctions on Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium’s part, reconnections will be attempted during the allotted appointment time. In the event of a complete technological failure on her part, the appointment will be rescheduled to a mutually agreeable time to complete the remaining time left in the session. Offline contact details can be used for the remaining treatment where it is reasonably possible and mutually agreed.
Online disclaimer
A well-motivated client is very likely to achieve realistic goals with online therapy. However, it is unethical for a therapist to guarantee a cure. The control of thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviours always reside within the client. No client is “made” to do anything against their will using psychic, mediumship trance in all its forms. Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium guarantees to apply her training, expertise and experience to your issuesgoals with the aim of achieving agreed goals and successful sessions as possible.
Consult Medical Opinion
Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium believes in your individual power to transform your life. The law obliges us to say that all readings and trance sessions provided by Rickie – whether through in-person reading, through virtual such as zoom, skype, facetime, through email or text – are for entertainment purposes only. If you have any medical conditions that you are concerned about, you should always consult a qualified member of the medical profession for advice and treatment. Any opinions that Rickie offers related to the spiritual aspect of any health issue are NOT a substitute for treatment by the medical profession and Rickie strongly urges you not to use or see them as such. Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium is not engaged in rendering medical aid, counseling or other professional services or advice, and neither shall be liable or responsible to any person or entity for any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be have been caused, directly, or indirectly, by or from the guidance given or ideas suggested, or referred to during a readingsession or on this website, or in any related publications.
Use of services
Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium will not be recording the sessions for you. You will be able to record your own session and use it to your discretion. You will not be able to use any of the video, or recording for sale or public publishing without Rickie Avitan’s consent.
Accepting the Terms & Conditions
By using Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium’s website you accept these Terms and Conditions. Unless amended or modified, these Terms and Conditions will remain in effect while you are a Guest, a User, a Subscriber, or a Member. Rickie Avitan may revise these Terms and Conditions at any time by updating the website.
All Rights Reserved
The website and all of its contents are protected by copyright laws and/or trademarks or other laws. No part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium. This Terms & Conditions Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Rickie Avitan and governs your use of the Service, superseding any prior agreements between you and Rickie Avitan with respect to the Service.
Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium services and website are for individual use only. This service is for adults 18 years of age and older. Rickie makes every effort to provide you with information, guidance, through her work with the spirit world as well through her training as a hypnotherapist. However, the guidance, information, suggestions, advice, conversations and more that are offered to you through the session with Rickie Avitan as well as the information and content provided through Rickie's website are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or professional legal advice. Please consult with your physician regarding any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.
Read and Agree
I, the sitter, recipient, client understand and agree with the terms, conditions, and expectations mentioned in this document. I understand Rickie will connect with the world of Spirit and will gain insight using her psychic awareness. The readings that I receive are for guidance only. What I decide to do with the information I am provided with, including any actions I take, is my own personal responsibility and choice.
I understand that all readings and questions answered by Rickie cannot be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological, or business facts and will be subjected to my own interpretation and judgment. I also acknowledge that the advice I receive from the readings is solely for proof of survivorship and is not a substitute for professional services. I acknowledge my responsibility to seek advice from a relevant and qualified expert. All of the psychic, clairvoyant, mediumistic, and trance readings that are given are completed in good faith, but in some instances, the information may represent opinion or judgment. Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium ( cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information given during the time of the provided session within the psychic, mediumistic and trance sessions.
Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium wish for you to understand that as she provides you with her psychic, mediumistic, trance readingssession that her work is with spirit world and not as a qualified counselor, nor as qualified medical professional, nor she holds any qualifications in law or finance and make no claims to this regard. Rickie Avitan Psychic Medium may, from time to time, offer a personal opinion, but this does not constitute a consultation, may it be legal, financial, or any sort of professional counseling.