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Overcome Phobia

What are phobias?

A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος, Phóbos, meaning “fear” or “morbid fear”) is an anxiety disorder in which one has a persistent fear of an object or situation and goes to great lengths to avoid it. Typically, this is disproportionate to the actual danger posed and is recognized as irrational. If the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, you will endure the situation with marked distress and allow it to interfere with your life.


A specific phobia involves a strong fear and avoidance of one particular object or situation. There are no spontaneous panic attacks, and there is no fear of panic attacks. Direct exposure to the feared object or situation may elicit a panic reaction. Unfortunately, the fear and avoidance may be strong enough to interfere with your daily life and cause significant distress. Even though you recognize that the fear is irrational, a specific phobia can cause you considerable anxiety. In reality, most phobias are irrational. The subconscious association causes far more fear than is warranted based on the actual danger of the stimulus; a person with a phobia of water may admit that their physiological arousal is irrational and over-reactive, but this alone does not cure the phobia.

Phobias are linked to the amygdala, an area of the brain in the limbic lobe. The amygdala triggers secretions of hormones that affect fear and aggression. When the fear or aggression response is initiated, the amygdala stimulates the release of hormones to put your body into an “alert” state in which you are ready to move, run, or fight. This defensive “alert” state is referred to as the “flight or fight” response.

Most Common Specific Phobias

Animal Phobias

Include fear and avoidance of snakes, bats, rats, spiders, bees, dogs, and other creatures. Usually, these phobias begin in childhood and are mostly considered normal fears. Only when the fear persists into adulthood in a way that is disruptive to your life is it then classified as a specific phobia.

Elevator Phobia

This phobia may involve the fear that you will get stuck in the elevator or that the elevator cable will break. You may have a panic reaction.

Doctor or dentist phobia

This may have begun as a painful procedure or experience at the dentist’s or doctor’s office or in the hospital. Later the fear can generalize to anything that has to do with the dentist or doctor or hospital. The unfortunate consequence is that you may avoid needed medical treatment.

Fear of Heights (Acrophobia)

You may fear high buildings, mountains, hills, or bridges. In such a situation, you may experience dizziness, an urge to jump, or feel drawn by an external force to the edge.

Airplane Phobia

This is a very common phobia; about 10% of the population will not fly at all while 20% experience considerable anxiety while flying. You may fear that the plane will crash or the cabin will depressurize. In addition, more recently, some people have developed the fear of the plane being hijacked or bombed.

Blood-Injury phobia

You may have a tendency to faint rather than panic if exposed to blood or your own pain through injections or inadvertent injury.

Here is how hypnosis can help with phobia in your life?


At Rickie Avitan Hypnotherapy sessions, you and I will understand the nature of your fear.  You will be taught to manage your phobia or completely overcome it.  Personalizing your treatment, we use age regression therapy, systematic desensitization, or circle therapy.  Each of these therapies has been proven to assist in managing or overcoming phobias.

I am committed through my work with you to help you manage or overcome your phobia. Hypnosis has been proven as a powerful tool in working with individuals who experience phobias.

Give yourself the gift of freedom.  Free yourself from your fears.


Conquer Your Phobias And Live Without Fear!

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