Past Life Regression
Journey into your past life with Rickie Avitan
Past Life Regression is the sacred quest to provide a meaningful experience. I was trained by Leslie Mclntosh, a board director and the owner of the Coastal Academy of Hypnotic Arts and Science. Leslie pioneered past life regression with soul screening. This fascinating process assists clients to move through their past lives leaving all negativity in that life. Using Leslie’s method in past life regression with soul screening, with my strong universal intuition, extensive training, and experience, I strive to reconnect my clients to the loving wisdom of the spirit world and their past life. In recognition of the intuitive nature of past life regression facilitation, I remain open to spiritual guidance when conducting sessions in a safe and caring professional environment. The profound trust inherent within the client–practitioner relationship is respected and each past life regression session is conducted with courtesy, sensitivity, and patience.
How I started past life regression
Rickie experiencing her own past life and being privileged to take part in Rickie’s clients’ journeys of their past lives, have brought compassion, understanding, love, and conscious living. It has brought Rickie’s clients’ conflict resolution, awareness, and understanding of their current issues. Breaking contract with a soul from the past has brought Rickie’s clients a sense of relief that they are no longer bonded to that soul. Experiencing past life regression has brought peace and harmony to my clients.

My experiences and client’s experience
Rickie is very respectful in regressing my clients. Rickie is guided by the client’s particular issues, symptoms, complaints, their ability to be hypnotized, and by their openness to this approach. Rickie has done multiple, detailed past lives regression for clients who have greatly benefited from the process. All of these clients, after gaining an awareness of their past lives or energies, improved profoundly. Their symptoms resolved as their past lifetimes unfolded. Each client believes that he or she lived before and will live again. Past life regression leads to living a life that is pure, free of fears, filled with inner peace, harmony, and love. Past life regression is a process that frees the soul from bonds of the mind; it is a connecting bridge between our human form, physical world, and our consciousness. It is a path that leads us to our essence, to our inner God.
Please allow two to three hours for past life regression for entertainment.