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Manage Stress

stress illustration

Do you experience stress in your life?

Stress can be caused by many factors. Long-term stress can lead to a number of different health issues. Over the past 20 years, panic and anxiety disorders have reached epidemic proportions. Stress can be caused by anything that poses a threat or challenge to a person’s well-being. The word stress is derived from the Latin word strictus, meaning hardship, adversity, or affliction. Stress has been defined as a mental or internal state of tension with your own physical reaction. Stress is described by Walter B. Cannon as a “fight or flight” response. When you are stressed, you will respond either by fighting with the stressor or by running away from it. Hans Selye developed the concept of General Adaptation Syndrome which is comprised of three phases: Alarm reaction, Stage of resistance, Exhaustion.

Concern for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavours.

– Albert Einstein

woman experiencing stress
cheerful woman

Here is how hypnosis can help

Hypnosis has been proven effective in the management of acute or chronic stress. Its efficacy is supported in many research papers. Hypnosis can teach you how to manage your stress, lessening its impact on your body.

When stress remains unattended and untreated it may progress into anxiety. In 3rdeyehypnosis For Life, together, you and I will develop a care plan that will be personalized and directed toward your needs. We will explore the triggers and belief systems that cause you to become stressed. We will access the root cause of your destructive reactions. You will gain an understanding of your thought processes and behaviors. Together, we will develop ways for you to deal with everyday challenges through self-hypnosis, using the power of your mind, and guided by an experienced Registered Nurse and Clinical Hypnotherapist.

Progression of Stress

Phase 1: Alarm reaction

Your emotional and physiological balance is disrupted. Your endocrine glands become active, particularly the adrenal glands which secrete corticosteroids. This leads to a ready source of energy for the body. This response may lead to increased heart rate and blood pressure, decreases in blood flow to certain tissues, and ulcers in the stomach.

Phase 2: Stage of resistance

This stage happens with continued exposure to the stressor. In this alarm reaction, certain changes cease and opposite changes may occur, such as an increase in blood volume. However, the energy that is generated by the adaptation continues to be depleted.

Phase 3: Exhaustion

When exhaustion occurs, permanent damage to your body may result. If the agent is not removed, depletion of all your energy takes place and permanent damage or death may result. The result of both endocrine and autonomic nervous system stimulation is that a variety of chemicals are produced in your body. These chemical by-products do not all get used and they accumulate in the body. They are responsible for the negative reactions in your body. Stress produces both acute and chronic effects.

Symptoms of Acute stress in the body

  • Headache
  • Dilated pupils
  • Dry mouth (decreased saliva)
  • Increased perspiration
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased pulse rate
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Decreased urine out put
  • Cold feet
  • Increased anxiety

Once stress become chronic it may lead to:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Insomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Ulcers
  • Migraine
  • Headaches, tension headaches
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Backaches

Don’t Let Stress Take Over Your Life, Speak With Rickie Avitan Now!

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