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My Hypnosis Story

As a hypnotherapist, I am committed to providing you with an environment that is conducive to safe, competent, and ethical practice. I am accountable for my practice and act in a manner that is in accordance with my professional responsibility. It is my highest concern to safeguard your trust. The information you share with me will not be revealed without your permission. My goal is to assist you in achieving your optimum level of emotional, physical, and spiritual health in situations of normal health, illness, and/or injury.

Healing has always been part of my life, it is an extension of who I am. graduated in 1985 with a bachelor of science in Nursing and have accomplished many courses within nursing as well as worked in various departments such as Intensive Care Unit, ending my career in 2019 where I served as a nurse clinician in the palliative care unit. Much of my time has been spent with clients suffering from cancer, chronic diseases, pain, acute and or chronic infections, and more. It was an honour to journey together with patients and their loved ones.
Throughout my years in nursing leadership I have supported, encouraged, empowered nurses to be the best they can be. I have served and cared for my patients with utmost compassion. Rickie has never viewed her career in nursing as a job but rather a service to all who she cared for.

It was through my own neck injury that I discovered the fascinating world of hypnosis. I used hypnosis rather than medication to manage the severe pain, this helped me to better understand the process of overcoming personal obstacles, empathize with my clients, and to assist them to achieve their highest potential.

In 2011,I have graduated from Coastal Academy of Hypnotic Arts and Science and am both a member of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association and a member of IMDHA BC chapter where I served as a chapter president in 2013.

My hypnotherapy teacher recognized my gifts as a psychic medium and unlocked the medium in me. I have taken a vow to serve humanity and the world of spirit, to bring forth messages of hope, love, and most of all prove survival; prove that life is eternal.

My motto in life is that we are all here for a reason. We are here to fulfill our dreams and realize our highest potential, we are part of one big plan. We can overcome many obstacles if we just allow ourselves to reach within and discover our true selves. We can be all that we can be, not only for ourselves but for our families and the society that we share our lives with.

I would love to meet with you and help you achieve your highest potential in this lifetime. It would be an honour to connect you with your loved ones and facilitate peace, harmony, and resolve between both worlds, the seen and the unseen.

Your Mind, Body, and Soul working together towards your reaching your highest potential, always.

With Gratitude,

Rickie Avitan

Psychic, Trance Medium, Spiritual Healer, and Clinical Hypnotherapist

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Rickie is a member of the IMDHA BC chapter.

Rickie Avitan is a member of one of the most highly recognized organizations for Certified Hypnotherapists in the world: the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®. The IMDHA has been influential in furthering the education of Hypnotists and Hypnotherapists around the world for more than two decades. The members must maintain the highest standards of competence in their work and training. The IMDHA strives to create collaboration and harmony between hypnotherapists and health.

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