Medium Reading Guidelines
What you need to know before attending a Medium Reading

Things You Should Know Before Attending A Private Reading, A Group Reading Or A Medium Demonstration
The first thing you should know before going to a medium demonstration or private reading is that psychic mediums act as a human telephone to the spirit world, between you and the spirits. Unfortunately, they are a telephone without a dial tone; a psychic-medium cannot just call anyone from the spirit world with whom you want to talk. Instead, you get whoever is on the other end when the psychic medium “links” with the spirit world.

The psychic medium only wants you to answer: “Yes” or “No” or “I Understand” or “I Don’t understand”
You should know before going to a psychic medium demonstration or private reading is that during a reading—whether it’s a three-minute reading or a one-hour reading—all you need to do is answer Yes or No. You don’t need to do much talking during a reading. Let the psychic-medium do the talking. You are there to listen.
If what the psychic medium says doesn’t make sense to you, just say you don’t know or don’t understand what they are talking about. Don’t try to make it fit! Don’t try to make the message fit if it doesn’t. The psychic medium will figure out what the message means without you interpreting it yourself.
At the same time, if the psychic medium says that Frances is here and your mother’s name is Francine, don’t say you have no idea what they are talking about. Alternatively, if the psychic medium says that your father is wearing a police uniform, but your father wore a security uniform, remember that you don’t have to be a psychic medium to mix that one up—anyone could make that mistake. Keep in mind that the clarity of communication may be more like an AM radio station than a telephone. Small inaccuracies are expected. Don’t hold the psychic medium to exact measurements.

Don’t feed the medium!
Moreover, you should know before going to a psychic medium demonstration or private reading is a piece of advice “Don’t Feed The Medium!” If the psychic medium tells you that your Uncle Charlie is present, don’t blurt out: “Oh, my goodness, my Uncle Charlie was a police officer who lost his leg in the war and died two years ago in a car accident!” Let the psychic medium tell you these things. If you offer that information yourself, then you miss out on the excitement and validation you could gain if the psychic medium was about to tell you those details.

Everyone present has an effect on the clarity of the messages coming through
You should know before going to a psychic medium demonstration or private reading is that the person being read (the sitter), and anyone in the room (people attending the reading with the sitter or audience members in a demonstration), can affect the clarity of the messages.
In a reading, for instance, if you are skeptical, the messages might not be quite as clear as they could be if you were more open-minded. If you are fearful or angry, this low mental energy could inhibit the clarity of the messages. If you are on medication or abusing drugs or alcohol, your mental and emotional clarity could also affect the clarity of the messages.
Likewise, the entire audience can affect the clarity of the spirit communication during a psychic medium demonstration. If the audience as a whole is very open, accepting, and light-hearted, this helps the psychic medium as it would help any speaker on stage. If the audience as a whole is skeptical, apathetic, or angry, this can negatively affect the psychic medium as it might affect any speaker in front of a group. Spirit communication is about energy – if the energy in the room is low, it makes it more difficult for the psychic medium to elevate his or her energy to connect with the spirit. If the energy is high, it can assist the psychic medium to raise his or her energy and better communicate with the spirit.
We can all help psychic mediums to have an extremely clear path while on stage, or in a private reading, by sending them our love and acceptance. Say a little prayer to help the psychic medium receive perfect clarity in their communication. Don’t sit there with your arms folded and an angry look on your face. Lighten up. Relax. Have fun.
I will be honest and respectful during a reading at all times. I take my work and practice very seriously.
I will respect my client’s confidentiality for all provided services.
I will provide you with information and messages that your loved ones, the angels, and my spiritual team on the other side have delivered to me.
I do not make predictions nor forecast future events unless your loved ones feel it is important to disclose certain information to you. Even though these predictions are considered to be fate or destiny, they can still be altered, and it is up to you to make these changes.
I am a Medium, not a fortune-teller. I do not do Tarot cards. I do not read from pictures, palms, faces, tealeaves or objects from the deceased.
I will not provide a reading for someone who has not requested one as this is a violation of his or her privacy and is unethical.
Sometimes, your loved ones will provide information for other family members. This will be delivered to you during the reading as it is delivered under the direction of God.
At times, your loved ones and your spiritual team on the other side will deliver information about your health. It is your responsibility to seek professional medical advice. I do not diagnose conditions, perform any medical or psychological treatment, assessments, nor prescribe any medications. I am not a licensed counselor nor am I licensed to provide legal guidance or advice.
You are over the age of 18 years old.
NOTE: Private readings are available for individuals 18 years or older. If someone is under 18 years, an adult must accompany him or her. Please note at the time of booking if there will be a minor present.
You agree not to reproduce, sell, copy, duplicate or exploit any portion of the services provided without written consent from Rickie (3rdeyeConnect).
I do not guarantee that you will receive information or evidence that YOU are wanting to hear. The spirit world (your loved ones) control the information that they share.
I cannot guarantee that a particular loved one will come through or the validity of the information provided.
I deliver the messages provided by your loved ones.
Due to my strong spirit sensitivity, support people are not allowed to attend any of the services/sessions unless a booking has been made for a family, group, or custom reading.
I have zero tolerance for individuals who try to test my abilities, individuals misrepresenting themselves during any of the services, disrespectful interactions (being rude, difficult, abrasive, confrontational, demanding, or argumentative), and specific requests that should not be asked during the readings. If this occurs, I will terminate the session and you will be asked to leave.
I reserve the right to refuse services to anyone, for any reason, at any time.
Due to illness or family emergencies, I reserve the right to reschedule your appointment. If this happens, you will receive an email or a phone call to reschedule your appointment.
If you are booking on behalf of another individual, please provide their name in the notes section and ask them to directly email me.
The Sitter’s Responsibility Before and During the Reading
Please come into your reading with an open mind and heart.
Refrain from having expectations for the outcome of the reading.
Please ensure you have read the Essential Guidelines & Etiquette before booking.
Please allow me to approach the reading/session in my way, not in the way of other mediums or psychics.
Understand that spirit communication is very different from speaking with the living; I deliver messages from the unseen world to the living.
Do not provide me with any information about the deceased until we finish the reading.
Please refrain from consuming alcohol or drugs prior to and during your reading.
Do not demand specific information to come through from the spirit.
Allow and enjoy the process of real mediumship.
I deliver the messages provided by your loved ones.
Trust that you will receive all the information you need in a reading.